"সহীহ সাধারণ কুরআন তিলাওয়াত ও অনুবাদ শিক্ষা" ফ্রি ভর্তি চলছে - | ‘আল কুরআন - যুগের জ্ঞানের আলোকে অনুবাদ ও মৌলিক তাফসির’ Zoom ID: 825 9348 9539 (প্রতি শনি ও বৃহস্পতিবার- রাতঃ ৯ টায় ) | ‘শিক্ষাবিদ সেমিনারে জয়েন করুন - ’ Zoom ID: 825 9348 9539 (প্রতি সোমবার- রাতঃ ৯ টায় ) | উলামা সেমিনারে জয়েন করুন - ’ Zoom ID: 825 9348 9539 (প্রতি রবিবার- রাতঃ ৯ টায় )

Our Mission and Vision

Quran Research Foundation


The purpose of human creation is to human welfare by establishing all the justice and removing all injustice mentioned in the Holy Qur’an keeping satisfaction of Almighty Allah in front. To achieve these objectives Qur’an Research Foundation (QRF) considers reform in the field of knowledge as the primary task and for this it determines the following as its main aims and objectives:

1. To identity the basic misconception prevailing in the Muslim society.
2. To discover the real and updated facts about the matters by doing research in the light of the facts of Allah given sources Qur’an, Sunnah and Common sense.
3. To convey those facts to all human beings in the world through modern information technology.
4. To develop competent Daees (Speakers) to present the discovered facts in the society.


1.To conduct research on ‘Qur’an and “Sunnah”.
2.To publish research oriented books on ‘Qur’an’ and ‘Sunnah’.
3.To provide assistance for publishing research oriented books on Islam.
4.To published VCD on research-oriented subjects.
5.To convey the subjects to the people all over the world through websites.
6.To conduct suitable training programmed with a view to develop competent Daees (Speakers).
7.To conduct appropriate training programmed to promote and develop competent researchers.
8.To arrange seminars and symposium on research oriented subjects.
9.To exchange views with various Islamic institutions and personalities from home and abroad.
10.To conduct competitions for inspiring the people to acquire Islamic knowledge.
11.To set up libraries.
12.To Conduct training for recitation of Holy Qur’an by expressing appropriate expressions.
13.To establish publishing institution.

A Clarion Invocation

Qur’an Research Foundation (QRF) is not established for traditional activities. This Foundation wants to do welfare of human civilization by reviving root knowledge of Islam. The research will be done in the light of information of Allah-gifted sources, the glorious Qur’an, Sunnah and Common sense. So, it is our clarion call to all well wishers, irrespective of their cast, creed, religion, political affiliation and profession, let us unitedly involve ourselves in and associate with the action programmed of Qur’an Research Foundation (QRF). You can play an important role for wellbeing of the whole human civilization through this august activity by extending any kind of patronization like intellectual, physical, financial assistance or otherwise. May Almighty Allah give us an opportunity for extending all-out cooperation to Qur’an Research Foundation (QRF) in this great task. Amen!

Division of QRF

Quran Research Foundation (QRF) at present has 11(eleven) divisions 04(four) sub divisions and 01 (one) Administrative division for smoothly conducting its activities. These are the following:
9.Foreign affairs

Sub-Divisions :
1. Research Training Subdivision
2. Dawah Subdivision
3. Recitation Subdivision
4. Fund Collection Subdivision

QRF Members :

There are 5 (five) categories of members of Quran Research Foundation (QRF)
1. Founder Member (Board of Director)
2. Advisory Board Member
3. General Member
4.Donets Member
5.Associate Members

Associate Membership

Any person, irrespective of cast, creed, religion, gender and political identity willing to know, follow, practice and convey to others the correct information and massage Islam may be considered fit and competent to become Associate Member of Quran Research Foundation (QRF). Person having above mentioned qualities will become a Associate Members of Quran Research Foundation (QRF) by filling up a prescribed form and paying a fixed of fee.

Foundation Running Procedure

Quran Research Foundation (QRF) is run by a Board of Directors. This Board runs the Foundation on the basis of teaching of Holy Quran and Sunnah. The Chairman of the Board of Directors is the executive head of the Foundation. The Founder and the present Chairman of the Foundation is Professor Dr. Md. Motiar Rahman FRCS(Glasgow).

Sources of Income of QRF

The Sources o income of Quran Research Foundation (QRF) include-
1.Donation from board members.
2.General Members.
3.Associate members.
5.Well wishers
6.Government Donation
8. Wakf properties
10.Sales proceeds of publication
11.and income earned from any project of the Foundation.

A future project plan of QRF

QRF Corporate Office

Welcome to QRF ...Here is our some future project which work will be started soon....


Welcome to QRF ...Here is our some future project which work will be started soon....

Print & Electronic Media

Welcome to QRF ...Here is our some future project which work will be started soon....

Printing Press

Welcome to QRF ...Here is our some future project which work will be started soon....


Welcome to QRF ...Here is our some future project which work will be started soon....

Sales Centre

Welcome to QRF ...Here is our some future project which work will be started soon....

Other Timely Items

Welcome to QRF ...Here is our some future project which work will be started soon....


Welcome to QRF ...Here is our some future project which work will be started soon....

WE Are Think Ahead

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There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don't look even slightly believable. If you are going to use

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